AMATEUR RADIO STATION M0YKS QTH: Yorkshire, U.K. LOCATOR: IO93CU W.A.B Square SE15 W.A.B book no 18433. QSL info: Via QRZ.COM |
A Bit About Me
My name is Simon, "Sierra, India, Mike, Oscar, November.
I have been experimenting with HF radio since the early 1980's and I first became a licensed radio amateur in February 2004 as M3HTS. In August 2004 I got my 2E call sign 2E0HTS "Hotel, Tango, Sierra." 11 years later in January 2015, I sat and passed the Advanced examination. I applied for my new licence on February the 7th and was given an upgraded new Call sign MØYKS. "Yankee Kilo Sierra". I still prefer HF over VHF but I don't half enjoy myself using VHF when I am busy working stations over the satellite bands as well as receiving awesome real time weather images. I also enjoy surfing the internet and uploading to my sites, I first began back in 2006 with my Ham Radio Blog and Youtube Channel. They still keep me busy blogging and making videos all about my ham radio activities. I appreciate your feedback and would like to say thanks for all comments, followers, subscribers, Likes & g+1s that I have received over the years.
As well as radio I like to spend as much time as possible being Dad and having lots of quality family time. As for work I am involved in engineering which I also enjoy a lot. One last thing to mention is my old buddy Dudley the Greyhound who sadly passed away and will be running around somewhere in doggy land. Of course I had to get another four legged buddy to share the DX adventure, We ended up getting two he is called Finn and she is called Fizz and they are wanting to go out for a walk! So off we go and best 73 to you, hope to hear you on the bands soon, Good DXing!
My Radio Comm Equipment Includes:
Radio Interface & Software: YAESU G-5500 Rotator with COM-232 Sat Control. RIGblaster plus, Winlog32, MMSSTV & WXtoImg.
PC -acer AMD E2 XC-115 Aspire
Yaesu: FTDX101mp FT-1000mp MK-V field , FT-100, FT-857, FT-847, FT-767, FT-470, FT-890, FT-2600M, FT-817 FT-2980 & Kenwood: Th7E. RETIVIS RT3S (DMR)
AMERITRON AL 811 with GI7B Ceramic valve conversion
Russian Built GI7B (Power 750 Watts 3.5 MHz to 28 MHz)
Yaesu M-70 & MD-1, Adonis AM-DX1, Heil Goldline GM-5.
Cushcraft MA5B. Home brew 20m delta loop, (2) Hustler 6BTV HF verticals, 80m Dipole,
Diamond F-23 vertical, Home brew IO-10EL SAT beam, 435 X Yagi & 145 Yagi mounted on a G-5500 Azi/Ele Rotator, ARROW MKII.
Pre Amp - Mini 70 for Satellite use
I also have a passion for Bikes!